IMS Data Dictionary

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Table NameAEMEF
Long NameMeetings
DescriptionOne child can be associated with many meetings conducted on his/her behalf. This file records unique information about each meeting. Information regarding the meeting participants is captured in the EPF.

Field Name Length Type Description Comments
me_chid 15 char Child ID Key Field - links to child file
me_date 8 datetime Meeting Date
me_typcode 5 char Meeting Type
me_minutes 5 decimal Meeting Length (in minutes)
me_located 50 char Meeting Location
me_rsltcod 3 char Results
me_attempt 5 decimal Attempts to Complete
me_attend 5 decimal Attendance Count
me_udate 8 datetime Record Updated (Date)
me_utime 8 char Record Updated (Time)
me_uid 9 char Record Updated (User ID)
me_keymef 10 char Unique Meeting ID
me_comment 254 char Comments
me_p1 50 char Participant 1 name/type
me_p2 50 char Participant 2 name/type
me_p3 50 char Participant 3 name/type
me_p4 50 char Participant 4 name/type
me_p5 50 char Participant 5 name/type
me_p6 50 char Participant 6 name/type
me_p7 50 char Participant 7 name/type
me_p8 50 char Participant 8 name/type
me_p9 50 char Participant 9 name/type
me_p10 50 char Participant 10 name/type
me_cb1 1 bit Participant 1 attend y/n
me_cb2 1 bit Participant 2 attend y/n
me_cb3 1 bit Participant 3 attend y/n
me_cb4 1 bit Participant 4 attend y/n
me_cb5 1 bit Participant 5 attend y/n
me_cb6 1 bit Participant 6 attend y/n
me_cb7 1 bit Participant 7 attend y/n
me_cb8 1 bit Participant 8 attend y/n
me_cb9 1 bit Participant 9 attend y/n
me_cb10 1 bit Participant 10 attend y/n